Direct container service
China - Russia

About the Carrier
OVP SHIPPING CO., LTD was registered on Dec 28, 2020 at HONGKONG. OVP SHIPPING (HAINAN) CO., LTD is the general agent of OVP SHIPPING Co., Ltd in Mainland China, now it has its branch office at Shanghai and various representative offices at Longkou, Yangpu and Zhoushan. OVP Shipping has certified shipping line qualification by MOC (License number MOC-ML00365) . One of OVP’s main business is to provide shipping service for LNG tank business covering China to North Asia and South Asia corridors.

OVP SHIPPING will focus on Russia market and continue to deploy fleet to Black sea and Baltic sea area in order to accelerate the trading business between Russia and China.
Dear Customers,

My name is William Wang and I am the Managing Director of OVP SHIPPING (HAI NAN) CO., LIMITED.
I am honored to announce our new service to all customers who want to develop any trading or logistics business between China and Russia markets.
It is my pleasure to welcome you warmly on behalf of the Board.
OVP SHIPPING is a young and ambitious shipping company. The most important thing in a quality team is that they know what to do with it, and trust me, we have the understanding, the character and the determination not to give up.
We want to share with you our knowledge and experience. We want to listen to you. Moreover, we want to work with you in forming partnerships.
OVP Shipping will always be your shipping partner to speed up your business and provide you with long-term sustainable customer-oriented service.

Thank you for choosing OVP SHIPPING as your shipping provider!
-William Wang, Managing Director of OVP SHIPPING (HAI NAN) CO., LIMITED.
You can address your request here. We will be happy to assist!